Webforum blog

Boards keep track of your actions and commitments

Written by Avima | Nov 22, 2021 9:47:44 PM

"I wrote X an email about it!" How many times have you heard this when asking someone about the action from last meeting. Or "Oh, I thought Y was going to check that". Using task boards in Webforum to track actions and commitments makes sure that everyone is up to date on the latest progress and who's in charge of what in the project right now. You can tailor the statuses on the board to fit your work process and it makes sure you don't waste unnecessary time chasing up on outstanding tasks.

At Webforum we use boards in our regular status meetings with the team where we go through what has been closed, what is ongoing and any current obstacles that are stopping us from progressing. To make these meetings efficient, we need to look at each person’s assigned issues. Now, we introduce a filter for assignee on the board so that we, and our customers, can quickly see who is working on the board and what work they currently oversee. A row of avatars at the top of the board or list view indicates all users that have tasks assigned to them as well as “unassigned”. Clicking on one or more avatars will filter the board to show only the tasks with those assignees.