Webforum blog

Easy overview of ongoing work

Written by Avima | Jun 1, 2020 5:15:00 AM

In any project, there are a million little things that need to be completed. Many of our customers are using issue lists to keep track of the structured processes, like QnA or change requests, and make sure nothing slips under the radar. We have started the process of developing an updated tool for tracking workflows in projects, Tasks. This is right now a more light-weight tool that focuses on visual workflows and make it easy to see exactly where we are in terms of planned, open and completed work. As we continue developing the tool and introduce more advanced features, we envision that it will replace most of the current issue lists. 

Let Project Tasks ensure that you stay on top of commitments straight away and give you a complete view of who is in charge of what and whether work is open or closed. The task board is open to view and edit for all project members. Bring it up at a meeting and enter the action points and assign them to make sure things are completed before next meeting. (a project admin can turn on Tasks in Settings for the project if it is included in your workspace)