Webforum blog

New name, same commitment: Webforum changes its name to Avima

Written by Erica Andersson | Mar 16, 2024 12:07:14 PM

After a long wait, it's finally time for the big reveal - we have officially changed our company name to Avima! We are thrilled to share this exciting news with all of you. We understand that you probably have some questions, so we are presenting the new brand in a special edition of Byggsnack (in swedish). In this question-and-answer blog, we will summarize what the name change means for our users and how we continue to strive for improvement and commitment to meet your needs in the building and construction industry.

Why are you changing your name from Webforum to Avima?

The name change from Webforum to Avima is a natural progression for us. Although Webforum has served its purpose over the years, it has become increasingly clear that the name no longer reflects our vision and profile optimally. We aim for renewal, and with Avima, we take a step towards a more modern identity that better represents our values and goals. So now we thought it was time to rip off the band-aid and move on to get a new suit for the same individual, so to speak.

Will the product offering be different?

No, our product will still be the same, with the same secure and efficient platform. The only thing changing is brand-related elements such as name, logo, and colors. We strive to make the transition as smooth as possible for our users.

Are there any specific improvements and updates to the platform?

We are continuously working to improve the platform, including elevating new documents to higher levels and simplifying permission management. For ongoing updates, we recommend following our product blog.

How will the transition to Avima affect customers?

We are in daily contact with our customers and will continue to offer personalized support to ensure a smooth transition. We are available to answer questions and provide resources and support.

What benefits do you expect this change to bring to the company and customers?

Through the name change and updated communication, we hope to clarify our message and our advantages to the market. For customers, it means a fresher and more modern experience of our platform.

How do you collect and use user feedback?

We are in constant dialogue with our users to understand their needs and preferences. Through meetings, webinars, and close collaboration between different departments, we ensure that we continuously improve our platform.

How does Avima plan to stay ahead in terms of security?

Security is a central part of our business, and we continue to invest in staying ahead through certifications and localizing our operations in Sweden. We also closely follow the development of NIS2.

What does Avima bring to the industry?

When looking at the industry from the outside, one might think that there are many solutions available, especially for smaller projects. However, we often encounter customers struggling to integrate different systems and create a holistic view. When we offer a platform that brings everything together, harmony and efficiency are created that were previously lacking. This is where Avima fills the previous gap and meets the needs of larger and more complex projects.

Have you been acquired by another company?

No, the name change is solely part of our strategy to renew and improve our profile and communication. No change in ownership has occurred or is planned at this time.

Thank you!

We look forward to the new era as Avima and continue to strive to offer the best possible solutions for the construction industry.

Are you already a customer? You can find more information here!