Product updates

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May 2024

Extract and view geo-data of files uploaded to Avima


  • Capture, extract and view geolocations (coordinates & altitude) of files that contains this information when uploaded to Avima, to enable our users to see at which real-world location a file was captured.


  1. Upload a file that contains geolocation metadata to a folder in Documents.
  2. Go to the "Details"-section on the files panel
  3. Find the geolocations (coordinates & altitude) from where the file was created in the bottom of the details section.

Make the copy of objects 10 times faster than before


  • To ensure that the copy of objects in the Documents module happens in a split second, independently of size of the object.


  1. Go to Documents.
  2. Copy a document to another location.
  3. DONE
    • 10x faster than previously, mostly noticeable for very large files.

Right-click context menu on Folder Tree in New Documents


  • To ensure that it is possible to right-click on a folder in the folder tree in New Documents (similar to old documents).


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Right-click a folder in the Folder Tree.
  3. The context menu for that folder will appear.

Edit description of a file in "Details"-section on panel


  • To enable users to edit the description of a file in New Documents in a smoother and more accessible way than in Old Documents.


  1. Open the panel of a file in Documents.
  2. Go to the "Details" section of the panel.
  3. Click the text box that says "Enter a description..." to write a description for the file.
  4. Confirm the update with the green check-box.

Show members in a group connected to the Permission Panel in New Documents


  • To make a more clear connection and understanding of which members that are concerned when managing permissions for groups in a folder. 
  • To simplify the management of the groups by making a more clear connection to the admin page of the group.


  1. Go to New Documents.
  2. Right click a folder and choose "permission".
  3. Click the name of any of the groups in the permission list.
  4. Another panel will open, to show the members of the specific group.
  5. Click the 3-dot menu in the upper to find "Manage group"

6. Clicking "Manage group" will open the admin page of the specific group in a separate tab.

"Favorize" and "Unfavorize" any object in New Documents


  • To ensure that users can mark and unmark objects as favorite in a smooth way in New Documents.
  • First step for further development in New Documents to also include favorite lists and visual indications (e.g. star-marked).


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Right click any object, either in list view or folder tree
  3. Click "Favorize"
    • A toaster is shown to show that the operation was successful.
    • The object can now be found in favorite lists on the start page and old documents.
  4. Right click the object again
  5. Click "Unfavorize"
    • A toaster is shown to show that the operation was successful.
    • The object is now removed from the favorite lists. 

Show "Type" for Folders and Sets in the list view of New Documents


  • To clarify what type of object it is and to enable better filter / search in later iterations.


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. The "Type" column now contains information for "Folder" and "Set" as well (empty before)

Update the "i"-info next to the New Documents switch


  • To make it more intuitive where to find more information about New Documents.


  1. Go to Documents
  2. Hoover the "i"-icon next to the New Documents switch
  3. Click "Read more" will open a new tab with more information about New Documents (updated continuously)

Update Bank-ID name from "Webforum" to "Avima"


  • Part of the rebranding process from "Webforum" to "Avima" and example of smaller things that will come in the coming months to fully complete the rebranding of the product.


  1. Go to the Avima login page (in Sweden)
  2. Click "Login with BankID"
  3. Scan the Bank-ID QR-code with the Bank-ID app on your phone 
  4. See the text "I identify myself at Avima" Image (4)

April 2024

Product rebranding from "Webforum" to "Avima"


  • To ensure consistency with the new company brand, the product has been gotten a newer and fresher look and feel which aligns with the new company brand.
  • For more info, read here


  1. By mid-May 2024, all plattforms should have the new brand with updated logos, colors and feel to it!

Download multiple objects as ZIP in New Documents


  • Now it is possible for users to download multiple objects (Documents, Alias, Sets & Folders, packed in ZIP) from New Documents module to their desktop!
  • NO SIZE LIMIT of the Download and instant start of the download, with possibility to do other stuff in the system while it downloads..​


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Mark the objects you want to download
  3. Click "Download" in the list menu
  4. The download starts instantly in the web-browser and is downloaded to the desktop as a ZIP-file with <Project name> Download <Current DateTime>

Folder Tree in New Documents

Why: To ensure that the user get a good overview of the full folder structure, in a smoother and more update way than in Old Documents.


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Find the Folder Tree on the left side of the list view
  3. Click folders to open folders or expand and minimize branches.

"Rename" objects in New Documents

Why: Now it is possible for users to "Rename" objects in New Documents, which is a part of the "basic" features needed in order to make New Documents better than Old Documents.​


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Right-click any object in the list view to open the objects context menu
  3. Click "Rename"
  4. A dialogue window appears where you can rename the object
  5. Click "Save"

Mark objects as "Favorite" in New Documents

Why: Now it is possible for users to mark ANY object as "Favorite" in New Documents (including Document Sets, which has not been possible previously).


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Right-click any object in the list view to open the objects context menu
  3. Click "Favorize"
  4. The object is marked as Favorite and a confirmation toaster is shown
  5. Right-click the same object again
  6. Click "Unfavorize" to remove as favorite


10-min bundle notification e-mails of Task updates

Why: Now the users do not get a bunch of e-mails when someone is doing several changes at once on Task(s), as changes that happen on one task within 10 minutes is bundled into one e-mail.


  1. Go to Boards
  2. Make several changes to one task within 10 minutes
  3. The subscribers of the task will only get one e-mail notification of all the changes (instead of one e-mail per change as before)

March 2024

"Permanent delete" of documents in recycle bin only possible by Admins

Why: To ensure that all platforms have the same setting and standard for permanently deleting objects, as they are then gone forever.


  1. Go to Documents.
  2. Open the Recycle Bin.
  3. The "Delete"-button will only be enabled if you are an Admin.

"Delete" of tasks in boards only possible for Admins

Why: To ensure that all platforms have the same setting and standard for permanently deleting objects, as they are then gone forever.


  1. Go to Boards.
  2. Select task(s).
  3. The "Delete"-button will only be enabled if you are an Admin.

Only update the user info field(s) during import if it contains info

Why: To ensure that user that already exist on the plattform during import keep their information (e.g. phone number for 2FA).


  1. Go to "Import Users" on central level.
  2. Import existing users with empty fields in the import
  3. The empty fields will not overwrite the existing information already on the user in Avima.

More smooth rendering of list view

Why: Faster and more smooth rendering of the list view (i.e. not clear the grid content on reload), to ensure a better user experience (especially when being on poor internet).


  1. Go to Documents.
  2. Click between folders.
  3. The list opens instantly now, instead of becoming empty at first.

Improved DragNDrop for upload

Why: To ensure that the system only gives indications that DragNDrop is available when it actually is.


  1. Go to New Documents.
  2. Open a dialogue window (e.g. create new folder).
  3. Drag N Drop files for upload (which is no longer possible).

Show issue icon and tooltip when a group is lacking functional permission

Why: To guide the user to solve one of the most common problems when managing permissions in Documents -> that the group is lacking functional permission to Documents.​


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Right-click a folder and choose "Permissions"
  3. Identify a group that is lacking functional permission and hoover the icon
  4. Click to open the Admin -> Permission settings in a new tab

Note: This is currently a part of internal testing and development. The feature will be released in steps to users during the coming months.

February 2024

Enable conversion of all more file types to PDF

Why: To allow for conversion of more file types (e.g. CAL, TIF & DWG) to PDF inside the Webforum product.


  1. Go to Documents
  2. Right-click on a file and select "Save as PDF"
  3. The conversion will now work for most file formats

Only admins are allowed to delete document versions

Why: To allow for better control and overview for the admins on Webforum, as the document versions that are deleted do not end up in the recycle bin, but are permanently deleted directly.


  1. Go to Documents as an Admin
  2. Open "Version history" of a document.
  3. Mark it and click "delete" 

Keeping document comments, even of the version is deleted

Why: To ensure that the full history of a document is kept as long as the document as a whole remains. Connected to improving the "Comment Export" process.​


  1. Make a comment on a document
  2. Delete that version of the document
  3. The comment still exists on the document 

Optimized comment export

Why: To ensure that the comment export initiate the download much faster than before (< few seconds instead of < 1 min)


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Select the objects of which you want to export comments from
  3. Click "Export comments" in the 3-dot list menu
  4. The export will start within the matter of seconds instead of minutes (based on how many objects that have been selected for the export)

January 2024

Complement existing document sets with selected object(s) and folder(s)

Why: Allow for users to complement already published documents sets in New Documents (e.g. for KFU, Kompletterande Förfrågningsunderlag)​


  1. Go to New Documents (switch in upper right corner)
  2. Select the object(s) and / or folder(s) you want to copy to the document set
  3. Click "Copy to" and select where in the document set you want to paste it
  4. Click "Copy here":

View details of a single object in the panel

Why: Allows for the users to get more information of specific objects in Documents


  1. Go to Documents
  2. Open the side panel by clicking on a object
  3. Find the "Details" tab right of the history-tab

Show member card tooltip in new places

Why: Quick and easy access to other project members contact information (i.e. their name, position, company, e-mail & phone number), with possibility to further act on the e-mail or phone number through the devices default app.​


  1. Go to Project Start, New Documents, Boards or Timeline
  2. Hoover with the mouse on a name or avatar
  3. The member card tooltip with the users information appears
    1. N.b. the position and company only shows if the user have entered that information into their profile under the 9-dot menu.
  4. The user can click and open the e-mail or phone number in the default application on the device used

Link from document sets versions & alias in New Documents

Why: Enables users to easily go to the original document from the alias in New Documents (same possibility as in old documents).​


  1. Go to a document in a document set or alias in New Documents
  2. Find the linked icon in the table view (same as old documents)
  3. Click it to get to the original document

December 2023

Manage Document sets in New Documents

Why: To enable management of Document sets in New Documents by enabling;

  • Create Document set from menu bar
  • Delete objects in Document sets
  • Add the latest document version to a existing Document set 
  • Create document set from folder


  1. Enable New Documents by the switch in the upper right corner.
  2. Create Document set from the menu bar by clicking the 3-dot table menu.
  3. Delete objects from a Document set by marking the file and click the trash can in the table menu.  
  4. Add the latest document version to a existing Document set, by being located in the document set and click the "+ Add" button in the table menu and select which document(s) that should be added.       
  5. Create a document set from folder by clicking the menu item in the 3-dot or right-click menu of the specific folder, and select "Copy to new document set".                                 

Context menu on right-click in New Documents

Why: To enable common and smoother user flows and options by the right-click option.


  1. Enable New Documents by the switch in the upper right corner.
  2. Right-click any object in New documents anywhere on the grey marked area, and the same context menu that exist on the 3-dot / elipsis menu for the same object will appear.

Natural sorting of Tasks

Why: To make sure that tasks are ordered in natural way (i.e. 1, 2, 10 and not 1, 10, 2)


  1. Go to Boards and select the "List" view.
  2. Sort either the ID or Name, and it will sort in a more natural way.

November 2023

Indication of what document in the folder that is currently shown in the document panel​

Why: To give better understanding and user experience which document that the open panel is referring to (e.g. when clicking a link to the specific document).


  1. Open a document panel in New Documents.
  2. The document that is referred to is now marked grey in the table view.

Sticky header when scrolling in table view in New Documents

Why: To keep the context of what the information in the column are referring to, which is not always intuitive if the header / title of the column disappears.


  1. Go to New Documents
  2. Scroll the list (and the titles will stick)

Board permissions management more intuitive

Why: To give better understanding and user experience how the permission setting works in for groups in boards.


  1. Go to any board and open the three-dot / elipsis menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Click "Permissions"
  3. Switch the toggle for "Custom permissions"
  4. Choose which permissions respective group should have

October 2023

Export comments made on documents in Webforum to Excel

Why: To simplify the further handling of comments made on documents in Webforum (e.g. for handling comments made in a review).

How (1 min example video): 

  1. Go to Documents
  2. Activate the New test version Documents in the upper right corner.
  3. Mark the file(s) and / or folder(s) of which document comments you would like to export to XLSX-file.
  4. Click three-dot / elipsis in the menu bar and choose "Export comments"
  5. Open the excel and find all comments there.

Drag & Drop to upload from desktop to New Documents

Why: To simplify the upload process of files and folders to New Documents in Webforum.


  1. Use any standard web browser on either PC or Mac.
  2. Go to Documents.
  3. Activate the New test version Documents in the upper right corner.
  4. Drag file(s) or folder(s) from your desktop and drop them within the blue border box in Webforum.

Drag & Drop to download from New Documents to desktop

Why: To simplify the download process of a individual file from New Documents to desktop.


  1. Use any standard web browser on either PC or Mac.
  2. Go to Documents.
  3. Activate the New test version Documents in the upper right corner.
  4. Drag a single file from your desktop and drop them on your desktop.

More intuative user interface for Board Permissions

Why: To ensure that the permissions settings are intuitive and easy to understand in Boards.


  1. Go to any Board.
  2. Click the three-dot / elipsis menu in the upper right corner.
  3. Open Permissions and toggle on the "custom permissions".
  4. All groups still keep their default access level until you manually change them.

Alias documents included in Document Sets

Why: To ensure that all documents in a folder is included when creating a set (including linked and alias), and not only the original docouments.


  1. Create a Document set from a folder that includes alias documents.
  2. Go to the Document set and find the alias there.


September 2023

Upload up to 100 GB files in New Documents

Why: To allow for users to upload files up to 100 GB in New Documents (limit in old documents is < 2 GB)


  1. Toggle the test version of New Documents ON
  2. Upload files up to 100 GB

Update viewer window when document has been updated

Why: To allow for more direct and live interactions between users on the platform.


  1. When two or more users are working on the same document (e.g. PDFs), the other user(s) will get notifications when updates have been made to the document and a new version exists.

"Unassigned" (N/A) added as option in the matrix board view for Q&A-boards

Why: To allow the users to catch questions when they have not yet been assigned to a specific group in the QnA board.


  1. Open the matrix view on any Q&A board.
  2. See the tasks that are unassigned To or From in the "N/A" view

Operating disturbances page added to the login page

Why: To give easy access and direct information when there is disturbances in the platform, where it is also possible to subscribe to e-mail updates when there are any deviations. 


  1. Go to the login page of Webforum
  2. Find the operating distrubances page in the the bottom right

"Learn more" in New Documents

Why: To give more guidance connected to the relevant location in the product, starting with New Documents.


  1. Go to the documents module and toggle the test version ON.
  2. Click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner, to find the "Learn more" section.


August 2023

More targeted search in the new document's version 

What: Improved the logic around how the search engine works when searching for files in new document´s version. 

Why: To help the user find what they are looking for in a faster and smoother way. 

  1. Activate the New Documents version with the toggle in the upper right corner.
  2. Search with any form of word combination (instead of only the exact order of the document title) 
  3. Find what you are looking for faster and smoother!

Auto-renaming an uploaded documents with duplicate name 

What: If a document with the same name already exists in a folder during upload, the product will now auto-rename it with a numbering increase.

  • Example: If a file document A.docx is uploaded and it already exists a document with the same name and file extension, the uploaded document will get the name "document A (1)".

Why: To simplify the process of uploading documents to a folder, so a user is not blocked if there is a name duplicate, but also is able to distinguish them once uploaded. 

  1. Activate the new documents version.
  2. Upload documents as normal.

Login page information update 

What: The right side of the login page have been updated. 

Why: To 1) inform about Webforum and 2) help users troubleshoot if there are any issues with the login process. 

  1. Go to Webforum login page and check out the information on the right side (deactivated on smaller screens): Logga in - Webforum 

Sharper view when zooming on larger PDFs 

What: Sharper and more detailed understanding when zooming in on larger PDFs. 

Why: To make it crystal clear what is written in detail on a large PDF. 

  1. Go to Documents (both old and new) 
  2. Open and zoom in deep on a larger PDF to get more crisp view

Improved commenting flow on PDFs for smaller screens 

What: Moved the comment functionalities while viewing PDFs to the lower side of the screen for smaller screens (instead of on the right side as it is on larger screens). You will also find the path back to Webforum here as well as other opportunities to download the PDF etc. 

Why: To make the comment and review process of PDFs on smaller screens (e.g. smartphones) smoother and more intuitive. 


  1. Go to documents (both old and new)
  2. Open any PDF on a device with smaller screen 
  3. Find the comment section in the bottom of the screen 


July 2023

First version of New Documents (Beta): 

What: First version of the New Documents module will be released for everyone to test out if and when they want. In this first version, some of the basic document functionalities from the old module will be in place as well as some that only will exist on the new module, such as;

  1. Upload documents up to 100 GB, instead of only 2 GB which is the current limit.
  2. Adaption to any screen size, for better user experience on mobile devices. 
  3. Enabling of improved Workspace Search, only when the New Documents is activated. 

Why: To allow for gather early feedback on the new module, so that we can incorporate user feedback and insights in coming developments of the New Documents Module. 


  1. Go to “Documents” in a project. 
  2. Click the toggle in the upper right corner from “OFF” to “ON” to activate and test the new version. 
  3. A pop-up screen will appear with information about the New Documents module, with a link to a guide of the New Documents as well as a way to provide feedback for improvements. 
  4. Use the toggle in the upper right corner to go back and forth between the New (“ON”) and Old (“OFF”) version whenever you want!

Resolving name conflicts automatically 

What: If a document already exists with the same name in a folder, the file will automatically get a numeric value to its name. This will apply when uploading or copying any type of file to a folder or document set.

Why: To simplify the process of managing documents in Webforum. 


  1. Upload or copy a file to a folder.
  2. If it already exists a file with the same name, the conflict will be solved automatically with “(#)” increasing from 1.

NPS survey only after at least two months:  

What: We will from now on only prompt the NPS survey in the platform for users that have been on the platform for more than two months. 

Why: To only ask users that have used the platform for a while to provide feedback, for us to use as insights for further improvements of the product. 

How: This will happen automatically, and the users can choose if they want to answer the survey or not. 


June 2023

Comment on PDF while viewing 

What: Enabling to add comments to specific PDFs directly in the document's module during “View” mode (same functionality that already exists on documents, excel and powerpoints)

Why: To ensure that comments (e.g. reviews or discussions are connected to specific and relevant documents) can be associated with relevant documents and available directly on the platform, instead of at separate locations.  


    1. Go to “Documents” in a project and open any PDF file 
    2. Click “View” button on the right-hand side pan 
    3. Click the “Comment” button on the right-hand side when the PDF viewer is open to be able to comment while reading it through 
    4. Comments are saved on the documents side bar in a similar fashion as when commenting on office online commenting 

Export decision log from Q&A board 

What: Enabling export of all current and historic decisions made by whom and when on all tasks in a specific Q&A board.  

Why: To be able to extract, save and share a log of decisions made on various tasks in a Q&A board outside of the Webforum platform (e.g. for compliancy purpose or to be able to modify the decisions data in excel).  


    1. Go to “Boards” -> “Q&A” in a project 
    2. Click the three dots and choose “Export” 
    3. Open the excel export 
    4. On the second tab, you´ll find all the Task ID, Decision, by whom and when. 

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