More features in the BETA for Tasks in projects

Tasks represent commitment management for project groups. To get the best out of your collaboration everyone needs to have a shared view of what needs to be done, who’s in charge of what and the status of the work. If you want to get access to the BETA contact us.

Tasks represent commitment management for project groups. To get the best out of your collaboration everyone needs to have a shared view of what needs to be done, who’s in charge of what, and the status of the work. If you want to get early access to the new way of keeping on top of project work – contact and we’ll talk about the right timing for you! With this latest release we introduce some new features in the beta:
  • Comments on tasks work the same way as conversations on the project start page and can be found on the task detail pane. Use it to @ref someone if you have a question or a comment on the task. Maybe you want all @projectmembers to get notified that your task has been completed. 

  • Task events are now included in the event stream on the project startpage so that all project members get an overview of the work straight away. 

  • The task list name (at the top of the module) is now editable. 

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