More flexible issue list

More options for including data in the list view for issue lists

The flexible list view in Issues enables you to set up just the view that is perfect for you and your colleagues. By clicking the columns columns button in the toolbar in an issue list, you can add and remove columns of data from the issue detail in the list. When you are done, you can save this view for future use or, if you are an administrator, even set it as default for all users.

We have added two more options for data to add to the view.

  • Linked items. When an issue contains links to other issues you can now display this in the list. This is particularly useful for working with , for instance, risks where the linked issues can be mitigating actions or checklists of various kinds.
  • Categories of categorised lists. When a custom made field for an issue is a list of values that are divided into categories, these categories can now be displayed in the list along with the actual value. So if you have a field for vehicles (car, bus, train, tram, plane, helicopter, ferry....) and these are categorised into categories (road, rail, air, sea), you can now display both the category and the value in columns in the list. 


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